
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Interview: Rachel Sandell

Hello! Welcome to my first interview with a special guest, Rachel Sandell! A little background for this is that I decided I wanted to try interviewing people as I enjoy learning about them and having conversations. Another thing that I wanted to try is a different take on interviews. The text below is the raw interview, but I also have a stylized version that I crafted for writing practice. If that catches your interest, please take a look.

And so, here is the interview with the talented Rachel Sandell!


Nyle: You work as a barista, right?

Rachel: I recently left my barista life behind, actually! Right now, I’m editing a lot more with several great companies, including The Scribe Source, which provides writers with top-quality editing and feedback. I also recently became the managing editor intern at The Daily Fandom, which is basically dreamland for a geek! TDF is all about exploring and analyzing fandom-related topics, from comics to film to anime and more, through an academic lens. It’s everything I could have hoped for in a new editorial experience!

Nyle: That sounds awesome. It’s always nice to work in a field you enjoy and that sounds perfect for you just based upon what I see you post on Twitter. If you had to recommend one article from TDF to get people to get on board, which would it be?

Rachel: That’s a great question! There is a wide range of articles to choose from, so I suppose it depends on who I’m suggesting them to. “Borderlands + Injustice In Avatar: The Last Airbender” is one that would get Avatar fans interested. One of the first articles I read is actually “Harry Potter: Can You Still Love Your Favorite Series When You Don’t Agree With The Author” which is both relevant and approached from an unbiased angle. New articles are published several times a week, so the content is always fresh and plentiful.

Nyle: What bender would you like to be?

Rachel: Water triiiibe. Though all four elements are useful in their own ways, water’s emphasis on community and family stands out to me. It’s quite a versatile bending ability, with equal potential for defensive and offensive movements, as well as healing. Or, maybe I just want to be in the same tribe as my favorite Avatar character...

Nyle: Who is...?

A: That’s such a tough question! While I think that Zuko’s character arc is the most solid, and that Iroh is easily the wisest, my favorite character has to be Sokka. He is incredibly adaptable; while he originally held some stubborn views early on, he is quick to learn from his mistakes and reshape his mindset when presented with facts. That same ability to learn allows him to keep up with benders, both friend and foe. He can think his way out of tough situations and train himself to be useful whenever he is needed. For a comedic side character, Sokka also has a surprisingly large amount of depth.

Nyle: So true on all accounts! Now I have one major issue with Avatar in the worldbuilding realm. What is your take on this? If a solar eclipse can take away firebending, why not night or being in caves?

Rachel: The way I understand the magic system in Avatar, each bender is connected to their element. Water benders draw their power from the moon, so when the moon spirit was killed in the season one finale, none of the water-benders could bend at all. It’s different for fire benders and the solar eclipse. It’s a small detail, but in The Day of Black Sun, defiant fire benders, unaware that the eclipse had already begun, try to fight back only to get a comedic little puff of smoke. Because the sun isn’t gone completely, just trapped behind the moon, fire-benders can draw from its heat. The problem is that their power is significantly weaker, too weak to even hold a flame for any longer than a moment. At night, after the sun has set, it is still in the sky, just shining over a different part of the world. So, fire-benders have no trouble bending at night, just as water-benders have no trouble bending during the day. They also don’t necessarily need to be able to see the sun to be directly under it to bend (same as water benders don’t need to be directly under the moon), as they are still connected to the heat. So, fire-bending in a cave or any other spot tucked away from sunlight is also fair game. That’s my two cents on the topic! I could be biased, but Avatar’s worldbuilding always seemed very solid to me.

Nyle: That is a pretty good explanation. Thanks for your thoughts.

Nyle: Looking at your bookshelf, you have a lot of books from various genres. What is your favorite thing about books?

Rachel: What continues to amaze me about books is that you can fit an entire world—and sometimes several worlds—within an object small enough to hold in your hands. No matter what genre book it is, there’s always a connection of some sort formed between the author and the reader, and the reader with other readers. Books are one way of sharing experiences, feelings, thoughts, and more with other people, no matter where or when you are. It’s easy to assume that losing yourself in a book can be a way of isolating yourself from the world and other people, but the opposite is true: Immersing yourself in someone else’s story gives you new perspectives on others and even yourself. Considering how valuable these experiences can be, it’s no wonder so many people, including myself, go crazy over books!

Nyle: So if you could only keep one form of media from books, tv shows, movies, and radio, which would you pick?

Rachel: That’s a tough one, but I would choose books every time. It’s more of a personal preference than anything else, but books just mean a little more to me than any other form of media. TV shows and movies are both fantastic mediums to tell great stories, for sure. But there’s just something special to me about turning a physical page, reading scribbles, and feeling intense emotions, as if you’re really there. I’ve never lost myself in a movie like I’ve lost myself in books.

Nyle: You appear to be quite active. You work, have a blog, read a lot of books, write reviews, write stories, write poetry, and even beta-read my stories. What is the secret to this high level of activity and productivity?

Rachel: Thank you! I never really realized just how much I do until it’s listed back to me like this! I don’t think there’s any secret to productivity. In the end, it’s all about organization, prioritization, and, most importantly, making time for what you love. My blog, book reviews, poetry, and writing all stem from a passion to create and enjoy stories. Beta-reading for fellow writers is a joy, especially when I get to see those books published! Sometimes, high activity can be overwhelming, but all you really need to do when that happens is step back, take a breath, and reorganize your priorities. It’s also important to remember that you don’t always have to be super productive all day, every day, 365 days a year. Sometimes the most productive thing you do in a day is read a page of your favorite book. Taking a moment to relax and refresh yourself is just as important as flipping your switch to ON and going becoming the Energizer Bunny.

Nyle: The Energizer Bunny. Hmmm. Just or fun, how would you feel if it became part of the Avatar? Perhaps as a bending master of how to stay energized? :D

Rachel: Ha! I suppose energy bending is kind of part of the Avatar world already. But I’d love to see certain characters interact with a pink bunny in sunglasses!

Nyle: What was the first story you have published?

Rachel: The very work I published was a poem called “Puppet,” and it was in Pacific Lutheran University’s literary magazine, Saxifrage, in, I don’t know, maybe 2017? The year after, I published “Paper Mache” in the same magazine. Both poems are now free to read on my website, actually. But my first short story was a bit different. I published “The Nightmare” as a sort of experiment in self-publishing and Amazon KDP in 2018 (wow, it’s already been two years!). The story is a retelling of the Hades and Persephone myth from Hades’ perspective, with a few key twists on the Greek tale. I first thought of the idea way back in my community college days, when my creative writing class was discussing retellings and fairy tales, and the inspiration to write hit me like a truck. Fun fact: “The Nightmare” is actually just one chapter of a larger story that may or may not ever see the light of day.

Nyle: I recall having a vague feeling that it was part of something bigger. That certainly explains it. And you have recently published another work, right?

Rachel: Just last year, my short story, “The Boy with Black Eyes,” was featured in JL Anthology The Magic Within, which was a blast! I met a lot of talented writers and even got to interview a couple. “The Boy with Black Eyes” grew from a prompt for the anthology, and I will say that it’s my favorite published work so far. It’s also the very first time I saw my name and my story printed in a paperback book with many other lovely authors!

Nyle: When can we expect to see more of your stories?

Rachel: I regularly update my website with new poems or flash fiction pieces about once a month. In terms of stories, I have a couple in the works but with no set date of publication as of yet. For now, suffice it to say that I’m always writing and creating, and hopefully some of the stories I’m most proud of will be ready for readers soon!

Nyle: I know that feeling. I think I’ve had a few stories that I was proud of but always just missing something to say it’s ready to publish. Do you have any tips for that?

Rachel: I would say that finding and learning from a group of like-minded writers is definitely a step in the right direction. As for the actual writing, you just have to keep at it! Sometimes, a story will need to sit for a while before you realize what it was missing. And sometimes little tweaks over time will gradually shape it into what it needed to be. From past experience, I definitely want to emphasize that you don’t have to be scared to make changes to the story if it just isn’t working. Once I finish my drafts, sometimes I don’t want to revise much for fear I’ll “ruin” it. But it’s good to make changes for the good of the story, and I don’t regret killing some of my darlings to find the true story beneath.

Nyle: You participated in Camp NaNoWriMo, right? Any tips for people who might want to try NaNoWriMo?

Rachel: NaNoWriMo is very fun and can produce a lot of real results! I know of a few writers who thrive in this environment: making goals for themselves, writing a lot every day, and meeting those word counts without a struggle. It isn’t for everyone; in fact, sometimes if I don’t have a set idea waiting to be written or an outline drawn up, my NaNoWriMo experience can be daunting. My best tip is to just have fun with it! Find friends (or make friends!) and join groups to cheer each other on. Reward yourself for every badge you earn and hurdle you clear. NaNoWriMo is about writing and productivity, but mostly it’s about doing what you love.

Nyle: You are a big supporter of the writing community on Twitter. Care to list some of your favorite indie authors?

Rachel: Yes, the writing community on Twitter is great to interact with! I discovered some of my favorite authors (indie or otherwise) there, and I’d love to list some. J.D. Nyle, of course, is a blast to beta read for, as the Neostriker short stories are always fun! I enjoy the twists on Greek stories that Nicole Scarano and Adam Wing employ in their books, Pomegranate and Icarus, respectively. Rebecca J. Caffery is also an active member of the writing community, and I’m so excited to note that her debut novel, Cherrington Academy, will be published in August. As one of the beta readers for the book, I can’t wait to hold the published version in my hands! I met Nancy O’Toole Merservier when I asked for indie book recommendations for Indiecember and fell absolutely in love with her superhero series, Red and Black. Timothy Hickson (HelloFutureMe) and Megan Tennant (Cloud Kitten Chronicles) are also wonderful writers, and they both have great YouTube channels as well. It feels so good to gush about the lovely writers out there, and I’m glad to have discovered each one.

Nyle: This was a lot of fun. Thank you for answering my questions.

Rachel: Thank you for having me!

Book links
The Nightmare:
The Boy with Black Eyes:

Social media
Twitter: @rachelsandell_
Goodreads: Rachel Sandell
Instagram: rachelsandell_writer
Facebook: rachelasandell

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Review: Working-Class Superheroes by Chad Descoteaux

Note: this review is of the audiobook version

If you read my stories and my tweets, you may get the sense that I enjoy superhero stories. That is true. When I saw a promo for this audiobook, I immediately took action and I'm happy with that. I enjoyed this book as I listened at night before sleep. That enjoyment is how I rate and so my rating is 4 out of 5. Please keep in mind that is my rating as you may otherwise think differently based upon my analysis.

This book is a hard one for me to review. While I enjoyed it, it's hard to describe why. The first reason is the lack of identity this book has due to two parts.

One, there are many stories that parody or play on the DC heroes, even from DC and Amazon. I have not consumed any of those stories besides the Flashpoint animated movie so I am not bored of that subject. However, I could expect others who have may not care for another one.

Second, the references and allusions to the DC heroes are constant that if you know the DC universe, it's hard to ignore. That being said, that's part of the fun of the story. There's even a reference of the potential romance of Batman and Wonder Woman from the Justice League cartoons. In addition, I'd posit the epilogue shows great potential for carving an identity and that makes me excited for a sequel.

There are a few choices the author made that I like. One is to name the chapters issues. It's cosmetic but I liked it. Another thing was the shift from Kryptonite to Uranium. While it doesn't fix all of the issues I have with Kryptonite, it's a nice usage of real-world. Of course, it's also a setup for some jokes that become more obvious when listening to the audiobook. If I was reading, I might have missed it.

The performance is actually another reason why we are constantly reminded about the DC universe. The reader emulates the voices of famous performances. It's actually pretty good for a few. It did take me a while to get into the performance, but I don't know if it's due to my lack of experience with audiobooks, the actual performance, or the text. I believe though that it was solid after that.

For the plot, while it's not original to see how our would be if Superman was corrupt, I was impressed by how the plot worked overall, even if there were a few scenes that did not make sense to me. In terms of execution, I would say it counts as original enough, especially with the couple of Marvel influences that were thrown in. Again, I enjoyed it.

In terms of characters, they are certainly reasonable takes on people who bear their respective powers. My main dislike is Zeke as Wombat since he goes a bit overboard on his fight on crime, but until then I enjoyed his sections. The Flash-equivalent may not be the most loveable take, but at least he gets better towards the end. And his unknowing relationship with Zeke can be interesting material for a sequel.

There is action, as you may expect in a comic-inspired book, but I felt more compelled by the other scenes such as the infiltration, poker night, etc. There were a few cases where I felt like I missed something critical in the action sequences but due to the format of the audiobook, felt less compelled to backtrack.

So to whom would I recommend this to? That is tough to say. My guess would be people who don't mind a light-heart take on the DC heroes. I don't think the book takes itself too seriously so those who are able to hold that mindset and like superhero stories would enjoy this. Now, if you would excuse me, I need to get to the sequel.

Author: Chad Descoteaux

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Book Review: The Pale Rose

Cozy mysteries are a comfort for me. One that I use to practice my Japanese is Detective Conan, which follows a similar premise of a character whom no one expects to be the real detective. What I like about the Pale Rose is that it's an already married couple and the "detective" is decently competent.

Okay, there are exceptions to that claim, similar to many mystery shows. When the real brain appears, everyone else acts less competent. It happens here too but it's okay as there is at least one occasion where he makes up for it.

The married couple dynamic is nice and surprisingly refreshing. There is simple married life banter with no romance to distract from the mystery. That is good because all the clues needed to solve the case are given to the reader. Don't worry about this being an indie title. I only found one sentence that "agitated" me and it was unrelated to the clues. As for me, I didn't solve it despite picking up on the clues but the explanation ties all loose ends and provides that satisfying perspective change.

I enjoyed the story and look forward to reading more. Though one thing I would like to see is if the detective pair can reach the level where they don't have to lie to solve the case.

Check it out on Amazon 

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Book Review: Sapphire Eruption

As part of Indie April, I had picked up the Sapphire Eruption. The cover was really alluring and the premise interesting. So how is it? Here is my review

As of the time of writing, my rating would be 7 out of 10. If the issues I raise get resolved, then it can easily be an 8 or 9. I did enjoy reading it after getting past a few of early tropes. And I look forward to learning what happens next.

To start off, is this the next Avatar: the Last Airbender? I think having that comparison would only serve to disappoint. This story is good on its own and that is good enough for me.

For me, the story doesn't start until about chapter 7, after we get over a few tropes, retreading, and meeting the first companion. However, past that it's full speed ahead for multiple ships.

The many characters are fully realized and have their own motives, personalities, and story. The book is long, but packed with these parallel character-driven threads. This makes the world feel deep and complex and is great. At the same time, it's also one of the areas that requires extra work from the reader to mine the gem of the story.

There are at least 11 point-of-views we hop around in the story. Sometimes this head-hopping happens mid-paragraph, but it also happens mid-sentence. It’s not tied to point of views too. Sometimes the general subject changes with no warning, resulting in having to re-read the same paragraph to sort things out.

While most point-of-views are isolated in chapters with a maximum of maybe 3, the structuring can shift to a parallel thread right at the climax of another arc and with so many stories going on, I didn’t know when I could expect to finish the arc. At least once I learned the chapter I was reading was unrelated to the previous chapter after almost finishing it.

There are other areas that could use some polishing. In addition to grammar mistakes and typos, there is also a bit of repetition of information. Sometimes this occurs with adjacent paragraphs. The times where it occurs in separate chapters is more forgivable as it serves as a reminder, which might be nice if you read the book only a few chapters at a time, which is my recommendation.

In terms of objectionable content, there was one f-bomb which disappointed me because the author did such a great job avoiding it in the rest of the book. Curses that we see were built from the world. Other times we are simply told the person is cursing and it’s fine. The other piece that really sits in my mind is how the one woman who is described as ugly is disrespected and used for “laughs”. While it’s realistic and treated fairly minor, it still left a bad taste for me, perhaps mostly because there is only one woman called out as unattractive.

Putting those issues aside, again I found the overall story good. There is a gem inside and if it didn’t require the extra work to enjoy it, I would have given this 4 stars out of 5. As an indie book, I think this serves as a benefit because the book can be edited to deal with the issues I’ve mentioned. In addition, when the next book comes out, it might be easier to decide if the ending of this book is a cliffhanger or not. Either way, I look forward to continuing to read this series.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

On Storytelling: Intro

 A good writer is one who best enables the storyteller in the mind of the audience.

This is my opinion though I think it's a fairly accurate one. Now I do admit I have much to learn about writing and storytelling, but in the process of trying to improve my skills, I've come across a lot of good material and formed some opinions that I would like to share for consideration. I will try not to retread material that is vastly better covered by others more qualified than myself. Instead I'll try to recommend them and mostly focus on my own opinions.

To be up front, these people will mostly be YouTube creators such as

As to what sort of opinions from me you can expect to see, an example I'm working on now is how conditioning (e.g. propaganda) makes people complicated and conflicted. Earlier examples that I will potentially try to improve upon would include

  1. Writing Compelling Antagonists (probably closest to the format I have in mind where I point to Hello Future Me for different points to consider)
  2. People liking Tropes and Cliches
  3. Why is Magic considered Evil?

By the way, if you are tired of seeing references to Joseph Campbell's theory on The Hero's Journey, don't worry. I haven't read it and the above content creators have done their own videos covering that. One tidbit I will note I learned from the Stars Wars documentary called Empire of Dreams, the original Star Wars movie was heavily influenced by that work and the author said George Lucas was his best student.

I did find that documentary interesting especially as it covered the process of making the original movie, including how bad it was and why even those involved had no hopes. I also found myself wanting to watch the movies again despite just looking at them and found myself disinterested days before. As a result, I would recommend it if you have the opportunity.

Back on topic, I'm not sure how long this series will be or the frequency, but I would greatly appreciate your feedback as I write it. I would also like to know if this is something you would want more of.

Until next time, dream on.
J. D. Nyle

P. S. If you are a YouTube content creator and would like to work with me on this, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter at @jdnyle

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Book Review: Beyond My Dying Mind by Andi Loveall

 A while back, I read the sample of Beyond My Dying Mind and left my impressions. Now that I've read the full book, let's see how wrong those impressions were.

First off, while the sample ends with indications that the missions would be primary, that's very much not the case. In fact, the first mission doesn't appear until about 25% in. However, once I realized the missions were not primary, the actual beginning made more sense as was a bit more representative of the overall story after all.

Instead, this is a romance story, one that feels much like a high school one for better or worse. After the sample ended, I very much got the vibe that these were mostly just high schoolers by their actions, especially since their romance stays in the "everything he/she says and does is perfect and sexy." Only later did I realize that the two main protagonists were actually adults.

As to my impressions of Jasmine and Noland, I didn't find any cause to not like them. Sure, they act impulsively rather than use reason, but they also felt like nice people who wanted to do good. And I also wanted them to succeed in their romance.

The world is still fairly interesting. I felt the magic system was a bit unique though maybe not fully fleshed out or explained properly. At the same time, it did not matter but acted more like a buffer to give the reader a break, which I liked. The hellish creatures were legitimately frightening, so I'm glad I didn't pay too much attention to the details and read before bed.

That being said, part way through, I thought the system would also become more important, but that proved to be the one occasion the characters act differently than I would have expected based off the intro and their impulsivity. Though maybe it's more appropriate since it would have required a little thinking to actually come to with the action. It's really a pro and con because it gave the nice interwoven pace-changing, but the book would later show that it was possible and more likely.

Now the missions, despite not being as primary, are still important to the story. That being said, i have mixed opinions about the actual preventing suicide cases. There are authentic points to keep in mind, but some also felt cheating. That being said, the actual growth of one of the characters is a nice realization. Again, recognizing that this is a love story, with some action and magic, helps in enjoying the story for what it is.

Perhaps that's a good segway into the controversial elements. No matter your opinion on the matter, I think it's good for readers to know what to expect. The first being that there is a sex scene and characters with multiple partners. To be fair, the world gives an explanation why it could be considered okay in the spirit world, but it still fits the bill of controversial.  Related on a technical level, there are maybe 5-10 f-bombs scattered. And also related on a technical level, there is "encouragement" of a trans character to proceed with the operation. Personally, on a philosophical level, I see it similar to the suicide cases as a mix bag. It touches on some of the important underlying issues, but missing one I think is critical or distracts from it since the whole subject is addressed only emotionally. Finally, the last point that might be controversial without the proper understanding is the spirit world. There may be a few Christian references, but I would assume this is certainly not a Christian spirit world but should instead be considered the author's "magical" world.

Now the rating. I consider stars to represent relative enjoyment and as such I'll give this 4 out of 5 stars. Even though it has controversial elements, focus was not on what I expected, and raised some questions about actions, I did emotionally like the story and was eager to continue reading through to the end. The fact that it's a complete story is also a plus to me. Would I recommend to teenagers? No. At least not my kids without also talking about the controversial elements inside.

The reason why I would require discussion is because the author did a good job of emotionally appealing. However, relying purely on emotional reasoning can lead to dangerous results or actions. And since teens hormones are not balanced, and they feel more attached to emotional reasoning, I think it can be too dangerous for them without a good conversion to help baseline.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Writing Compelling Antagonists

Quite often, I see people asking for advice on writing a compelling villain. The advice also tends to be the same. Memorable, is the hero of their own story, is personally connected and opposed to the hero, is the hero but made one different choice, check out Darth Vader, check out the Joker, check out Prince Zuko, etc. While I do agree that all are good points, I think there are a few things that are important to understand in order to properly frame the advice. Let's start with the misunderstanding of the concept of villain.

First off, Zuko was never the villain in Avatar: the Last Airbender. Therefore he is not a compelling villain. Hear me out. A villain is defined as "a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot." Zuko doesn't really for that definition as his motives weren't evil and he performs honorable actions. However he does fit the definition of an antagonist, which is "a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary."

Just as heroes are a subset of protagonists, villains are a subset of antagonists. If our story needs a villain, that's fine. The Legend of Korra antagonists are villains and half are done well (Amon up for debate). However, if we start with the idea of a villain, we limit ourselves and imagination, potentially falling into tropes with no logical explanation. Antagonists, however, for example, are free to also be genuine heroes, just like Zuko, as they are merely opposition, not necessarily evil. As a result, the real question is how to make compelling antagonists, and let them be villains if need be.

Now that we have that understanding, we can see that it's easier to make a compelling antagonist. When we think of it as only someone who opposes the protagonist, then what we should see is that it's the same as making any character compelling. What the label of antagonist does is simply define part of the relationship.

One popular type of antagonist is the Rival, defined as "a person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in the same field of activity." Think Red and Blue from the original Pokemon games. Team Rocket was the main villain, but the final battle was against your rival, someone who is not evil at all. For a story about being the very best, that is the most appropriate antagonist. Another example is in the Prestige where the drive is to be the best magician. What's interesting here is exploring how that drive was what led to their conflict and one to the point of becoming a villain.

Now if our story is about redemption, then it's possible to flip the normal associations and let the hero be the antagonist. It's hard for me to think of a good example. If I understand correctly, Megamind has this as the pitch, though I never watched it. The closest example I can think of is the episode where Zuko tries to join the Avatar, but only Toph trusts him. Though there is another one focusing on Katara. If you are interested more on that, check out Hello Future Me's video essay on it.

Now with all that being said, there is one specific quality I would like to promote people to use more when creating characters, especially antagonists, and that is Loyalty. When we talk about characters being compelling, the first question we should ask is why would anyone be loyal to them. For this, let's examine Treize Khushrenada from Gundam Wing.

To be fair, I doubt people outside of my age group would be familiar with the series and it has been many years since I watched it, but I always found the character compelling, even if I did not understand him. He was in charge of the initial antagonist organization and manipulative, but he was also charming, skilled, and spared the life of his would-be assassin. However, perhaps the most impressive is seeing his men's willingness to die for him. In terms of what inspired such loyalty, there was one action I could remember and that was how nightly routine of listening to the names of each soldier who died.

This bit is important because it shows respect for his men. To him, they were not just soldiers but people with names. This helps show what makes him compelling to a group of characters, and in turn, makes him compelling as a leader and character, even though he was an antagonist.

To recap, when seeking to make a compelling villain, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, villains are a subset of antagonists and not necessarily what's best for a story. Second, antagonists are simply characters so whatever makes any character interesting applies here as well. Lastly, a good way to make characters compelling is to show why other characters are loyal to them.

I hope this helps you all as it helps me. If you would like more ideas on writing antagonists, check out Hello Future Me's video on writing villains where he focuses on motivations

Dream on,
J. D. Nyle